Presentation at the University of Debrecen and discussion at the Szatmár - Bereg Landscape protection area

We held a presentation to the nature conservation engineer student at the University of Debrecen on the project entitled Cooperation to establish a cross-border bird monitoring network and on-line database at 31.03.2011.

By presenting the overall aims of the project we paid emphasised attention to demonstrate the applied monitoring methods that could have been used in the prospective professional work of the present students. At the second part of the event we have introduced our still existing on-line databases to the audience and sketched the structure of the database will be developed in the frame of the project.

The recently renovated building of the University of Debrecen, where presentation have been held.

Monitoring methods have been introduced to the students,…

…so they got practical information and useful knowledge.

After the presentation we have visited the Hortobágy National Park’s Szatmár-Beregi landscape protection area to discuss the monitoring works on their municipality. We have controlled barn owl nesting in the near villages. Barn owls are nesting in special nesting boxes placed to the steeples of churches.

Discussion with Béla Habarics the leader of the SzBLPA (in the middle) and priest József Kónya representing the Szatmár – Beregi Local Branch of MME (on the left).

Special nesting box for barn owls at the steeple of the church at Zsarolyán. There was five eggs at the nest.